Classical Riding
Creating value in horses and improving the skills of riders in all manners of horsemanship.

Ellie Celarek
Classical Riding
Hi! At Classical Riding we teach and train using the classical principles of dressage and jumping.
We take horses in for training, start young horses, exercise school masters, teach lessons, lease horses, sell horses, take students to shows, breed eventing horses and have a working student program.
I have competed and trained in many additional disciplines and have a well rounded perspective on how to develop a horse and rider.
My goals as a rider and competitor are to ride a happy and motivated equine athlete and to train and breed horses that will meet the demands of modern eventing for myself and my fellow riders.

Other Disciplines? Yep!
Cross Country
Show Jumping
Fox Hunting
Natural Horsemanship
Trick Training- Spanish Walk etc
Starting & training foals & horses thru competition age
Breed Inspections & Kurings
Investment Horses
Musical Group Rides (totally the best)
Western & Huntseat
Saddleseat / five-gaited / Roadsters / Hackney pony

The Riding School
Lessons are given Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
We attend a lot of schooling shows and other fun horse activities as well as USEA events and other sanctioned competitions.
Summer in Ohio April-November
Winter in Florida December- March
We have limited school horses available for leasing and lessons.
We almost always have sale horses and soon we will have quality foals with good brains, and talent for eventing!
Working Student Program works really well here! Call about it! 513-378-7492